- Ram Chandar,
K., Singh, T.N., & Ravi Kiran, P., 2001. A Computational Approach for Prediction of Rock Fragmentation, Mining Engineers
Journal, July-2001, 16-25pp.
- Ram Chandar, K.,
& Singh, T.N., 2001. Initiation Devices in Rock Excavation Engineering, Indian Mining & Engineering Journal, October-
2001, 51-58pp.
- Ram Chandar, K.,
& Singh, T.N., 2001. Dust Generation and Its Control in Coal Mines, Mining Engineers Journal, Nov-2001, 22-26pp.
- Ram Chandar,
K. 2002. Computer Aided Design of Hydraulic
Stowing. Coal Mining Technology & Management, March-2002, 1-8pp.
- Manoj., K,. Singh, T.N & K.
Ram Chandar, 2002. Influence of NONELs on Shovel Cycle Time in Opencast Mines, Mining Engineers Journal, July-2002,
- Ram Chandar, K.,
& Singh, T.N., 2002. Computer Aided Roof Load Estimation for Bord & Pillar Workings, Mineral Industry: Issues on Economics,
Environment and Technology-2002, 65-74pp.
- Sastry, V.R., Vilas Teggi &
Ram Chandar, K., 2003. Shock-tube
Initiation for Eco-friendly Blasting: A Few Case-studies, Institute of Engineers (India), March-2003, 40-46pp.
- Sastry, V.R., Vilas Teggi & Ram
Chandar, K., 2003. Influence of Initiation System on Ground Vibrations.
Mining Engineers Journal, May-2003, 8-18pp.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2004. Risk management in the near vicinity of blasting. The Indian Mining &
Engineering Journal, March -2004, 19-28pp.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2004. Shocktube Initiation for Better Fragmentation: A Case Study. The International Jl. for Blasting and
Fragmentation FRAGBLAST, Vol-8, No.4, Dec-2004, 207-220pp.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2005. Influence of Initiation System on Noise Levels Produced by Blasting Operations
in Limestone Mines. Institution of Engineers (India), Sept-2005, 20-26pp.
12. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2010. Stability Analysis of Highwall- Case Study of an Opencast
Coal Mining Project . Mining Engineers Journal, Vol-12, No.4, Nov-2010, 18-24.
13. Ram Chandar,
K., 2011. Effect of Work Culture on Job Satisfaction, Institution of Engineers (India)- communicated
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2001. New Trends in Blasting: A Case Study of Indian Mines, National Seminar ROCKFRAG-01, 14-15th
February-2001, IT-BHU, Varanasi, 77-81pp.
- Ram Chandar,
K., & Singh, T.N., 2001. Impact
of Mining on Environment and Its Remedial Measures, Proc. International Conference on Industrial Pollution and Control Technologies,
7th-10th Dec-2001, Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad, 837-843pp.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2002. NONEL Initiation for Eco-Friendly Blasting, Proc. Sustainable Mining Technology: Present and Future,
14th-15th March – 2002, Anna University, Chennai, 420-436pp.
- Aruna, M.,. K. Ram Chandar.,
& Suresh Kumar., D. 2002. Applications of Robotics in Mining, Proc. Sustainable Mining Technology: Present and Future,
14th-15th March – 2002, Anna University, Chennai,
- Sastry, V.R., Murthy, Ch.S.N., and Ram Chanar, K, 2003. Recent
Developments in Longwall Supports. National Seminar on Geo-mechanics and Ground Control-2003, CMRI, Dhanbad, 58-64pp.
- Sastry, V.R., Murthy, Ch.S.N., and Ram Chandar, K. 2004. Influence of Initiation System on Rock Fragmentation. National Seminar on Rock Fragmentation,
Jan, IT-BHU, Varanasi.
- Murthy, Ch.S.N., Sastry, V.R., and Ram Chandar, K. 2004. Land Degradation and Reclamation in Mining. PMIP- 2004, NIT, Rourkela, 56-60pp.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2004. Fragmentation Analysis by Image Processing Technique, Proc. International Conference on Technology
Update in Mining & Mineral Industries, 16-17th October-2004, Bangalore, 83-90pp.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2004. Computer Aided Blast Design for Surface Mines, Proc. International Conference
on Technology Update in Mining & Mineral Industries, 16-17th October-2004, Bangalore, 91-103pp.
23. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., & Santosh. M., 2004. Computer Aided Slope Stability Analysis.
Proc. International Seminar on Developments in Surface Mining Technology, 22-23rd Nov. 2004, 262-268pp.
24. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2006. Influence of Initiation System on Blast Results: Case Studies. Fifteenth Int. Symp. On Mine Planning
& Equipment Selection, Torino, Italy, 20-22nd Sept. 2006.
25. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2007. A New Approach to Assess Fragmentation, Golden Jubilee Seminar, Mining Engineers Association of India,
Hyderabad, 6-8 April, 2007, 119-131pp.
26. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2008. Fragmentation and Throw Due To Blasting – Role of Initiation
Systems: Proc. International Conference of ISEE, Jan- 2008.
27. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2008. Assessment of Blast Performance based on Energy Distribution:
Proc. 42 American Rock Mechanics Association Conference, held at San Francisco, USA, 29th June-02nd
July- 2008.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2008. Performance of SME in an Opencast Coal Mine: A Case Study. National Seminar on Energy in Mineral
Sector for sustainable Development Vision- 2020, at NITK- Surathkal, 4-5 Oct. 2008.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2008. Effect of Width on Stability of Tunnel at Shallow Depth. National Seminar on Energy in Mineral Sector
for sustainable Development Vision- 2020, at NITK- Surathkal, 4-5 Oct. 2008.
- Sastry,V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2009. Computer Aided Long Term Open Pit Mine Planning. National Seminar on Challenges in the Changed Scenario
of Mining, at IISc, Bangalore, 12-13th Sept. 2009.
- Ram Chandar, K., and Neelima, B, 2010. Applications of
Computers in Mining in the Era of High Performance Computing. International Symp. On Emerging Trends in Environment, Health
and Safety Management in Mining and Mineral Based Industries, held at NITK, Surathkal, 21-22nd Aug. 2010, 245-254.
- Sastry, V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2010. Protection of Bund
from Blasting Operations of an Opencast Coal Mine. International Symp. On Emerging
Trends in Environment, Health and Safety Management in Mining and Mineral Based Industries, held at NITK, Surathkal, 21-22nd
Aug. 2010, 280-288.
- Sastry, V.R., and Ram Chandar, K., 2010. Slope Stability Analysis
of an Opencast Coal Miing Project: A Numerical Modeling Approach. International
Symp. On Emerging Trends in Environment, Health and Safety Management in Mining and Mineral Based Industries, held at NITK,
Surathkal, 21-22nd Aug. 2010, 307-320.
- Sastry, V.R., Ram Chandar, K., Kumar, P.S., and Vishwajeeth,
K., 2010. Computer Aided Support Design for Tunnels. International Symp. on Emerging Trends in Environment, Health and Safety
Management in Mining and Mineral Based Industries, held at NITK, Surathkal, 21-22nd Aug. 2010, 333-346.
35. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2011. Controlled Blasting Operations in Pipeline Excavations.
National Seminar on Explosives & Blasting Techniques for Mining, Quarrying and Infrastructure Industry, 18-19 Feb. 2011,
at NITK, Surathkal, 83-89.
36. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2011. Energy Based Assessment of Blast Performance: A New Criteria.
National Seminar on Explosives & Blasting Techniques for Mining, Quarrying and Infrastructure Industry, 18-19 Feb. 2011,
at NITK, Surathkal, 141-154.
37. Sastry,V.R., and Ram
Chandar, K., 2011. Assessment of Blast Performance based on Energy Consumption
of Shovel and Dumper. National Seminar on Explosives & Blasting Techniques for Mining, Quarrying and Infrastructure Industry,
18-19 Feb. 2011, at NITK, Surathkal, 210-220.
General Articles:
“Crack IIT-JEE nut with vigour, zeal”, Vijaya Times News
Paper, 08th April. 2006 (Co-author: B. Neelima)
“Catch hold of your dreams with AIEEE” Vijaya Times News
Paper, 26th April. 2006 (Co-author: B. Neelima)
“Education System in USA” International Journal of
Engineering Students, Oct- 2008, 32-33.